긴급! 한영 번역 좀 부탁 드립니다.

긴급! 번역을 도와드리겠습니다. 아래는 번역 요청 내용입니다. 감사합니다.

1. Due to the 625 War, there was famine, disease, and temperatures as low as -40°C.
2. Just before the deployment of UN forces, there were provisions such as food, blankets, and clothing.
3. To repay the kindness shown to me, I will contribute my own money.
4. The citizens of UN-deployed countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Turkey.
5. The sacred energy storage facility, the three-tiered power source, will be opened within 49 to 180 days.
6. It will start on the 14th day, with the fifth and sixth sections.
7. This will mark the beginning of universal healing. After recovery,
8. if desired, the sixth section and sixth subsection will begin, which is rejuvenation.
9. After completion, if desired, the seventh section and seventh subsection will begin, which is health restoration.
10. It will continue until complete rejuvenation, as much as desired.
11. I will provide management and maintenance for generations to come.
12. I will provide this service. It is important to avoid consuming foods contaminated with radioactive substances with a half-life of over 10,000 years.
13. To create the healthiest bodies for the

아.. 맞다 근데 혹시 이거 아시나요? 같은 문제를 고민하시는 분이 또 계셔요. 여기를 누르시면 다른분이 해결한 더 자세한 답변을 확인할 수 있습니다.

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